Cime di rapa

Cime is one of our favourite greens to eat and grow, its tender stalks and leaves are mild and the flowers are stunning. We are on a life time hunt for a large heading Cime, one day we hope to grow this cultivar!

We welcome cime di rapa, it's the beautiful flowering mustard green in the box. The seed we grow is from Italy, and it's a pretty wild & very popular green eaten all over Italy. The entire stalk is edible- as are the leaves & flowers. Sometimes, if we've got to the harvest a day or two late, some of the thicker stems can be a little woody and it's best to shop them off as you would the ends of asparagus.

Cime di rapa is delicious sautéed with some garlic & olive oil or tossed through pasta. Its also delicious thrown in the bowl, covering winter soups.


Hakurei turnip


Gai lan